Unleash Your Inner Strength: Transform Your Self-Worth and Confidence

Welcome to Your Journey of Empowerment!

Are you ready to break free from self-doubt and embrace a life filled with self-worth and confidence? You've come to the right place! My mission is to empower women like you to step into their true selves and live a life of authentic confidence.

About Mel

Born & raised in a high control religious group, my fear of making a mistake was extremely high because of the consequences that would follow. In order to survive, it was easier to do what I was told and stay within the parameters of life that I was allowed.

In spite of all the suppression and control, I always had a quiet feeling of optimism for the future. That I was made for more than what was in front of me, even though I could see no escape from it.

For thirty years I "put a lid" on it.

At eighteen I married a Pastor's son and it didn't take long for me to realise it wasn't what either of us had expected. Oh well, another thing to "put a lid on."

The one thing I'd known since I was a small child was that I wanted with my whole heart was to be a mother. At twenty I was thrilled to be pregnant with my first child. I could feel the "real me" starting to bubble up throughout my pregnancy. Yes! Finally! I would get to live out some of my truth.

Twenty minutes after our son was born, he passed away.

At thirty, with four small children, I "took the lid off" and left the church and have spent the past twelve years uncovering who I was always meant to be.

Leaving any environment that you attach your identity to is no easy feat. It can be an incredibly overwhelming and isolating journey, which is why I'm here to make sure you don't walk it out alone.

All parts of your story will be used!

I truly believe that nothing is for nothing. You are not too far gone, your past does not get to hold you captive. In fact your past is the catalyst for your purposeful future.

I would never have stumbled across what I do now, had it not been for the thirty year introduction I'd had.

No woman left in her past!

In Mel's Mind coaching is designed to empower women who are ready for a life shift or have recently made one, but are unsure of their next steps. Through personalised guidance, we help you discover and align with your core values, build self-worth, and create an authentic vision of your future. Mel's approach focuses on internal shifts, self-discovery, and confidence-building, ensuring you feel supported and inspired as you navigate this transformative period.


What They Say

In just an hour conversation, Mel did for me what past therapy has not done, she gave me space to dare to dream again. Not only dream, but some practical strategies on how to start walking towards that vision. She gave me space to download decades of hurt & lovingly brought me to the realisation that I can stop being the victim & start creating the life I want. Mel, I can't wait to work with you again.


Mel is beyond amazing. Our pasts are similar in so many ways and we connected on a deep and emotional level. I love Mel's confidence and assurance in every step that I will find my true self, in spite of my past! Having avoided therapy until now, I wish I had reached out to Mel sooner! Her passion for my growth feels so personal, and I feel alive with possibility. Thanks for rescuing me from my old self!


Mel is down to earth & so easy to talk to. I wasn't sure what I wanted help with but within 2 minutes she had helped me pin point a story I had about myself & had been holding on to for maybe 20 years!

I'm so grateful for her listening & understanding where l'm at & where I want to be & showing me the steps to take to get there. I highly recommend working with Mel.



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See our range of one on one coaching packages.

Why Choose In Mel's Mind Coaching?

In today’s fast-paced world, it's easy to lose sight of your worth and potential. Whether you're struggling with self-esteem, facing fear of failure, or simply feel stuck, my coaching programs are designed to guide you through a transformative journey.

Here’s what you'll gain:

  • Renewed Self-Worth: Learn to value yourself and recognize your inherent worth.

  • Unwavering Confidence: Cultivate a deep-seated confidence that radiates in all aspects of your life.

  • Goal Achievement: Set and accomplish your personal and professional goals with ease.

  • Inner Peace: Develop resilience and a positive mindset to navigate life's challenges.

  • Authentic Living: Embrace and express your true, authentic self without fear.

Is In Mel's Mind Right for You?

This is perfect for you if:

  • You struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem.

  • You feel stuck and unable to move forward.

  • You want to achieve your goals but don't know where to start.

  • You desire a deeper connection with your true self.

  • You're ready to invest in yourself and make lasting changes.


Q: How do I know if this coaching program is for me?

A: If you’re committed to personal growth and want to increase your self-worth and confidence, this program is for you. My tailored approach ensures you get the support you need to succeed.

Q: How long is the coaching program?

A: The program is designed to be flexible, with 3-month and 6-month, commitments based on your goals and needs.

Site: www.inmelsmind.com

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